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Grootvadersbosch Conservancy
Great mtb trails are waiting to be tested at Grootvadersbosch. Friendly farmers have given permission for routes to cross their farms, resulting in lots of scenic kilometres. Much effort has gone into building fence and river crossings. The amount of photos being taken here by Jacques Marais (one of the best photographers in South Africa) is testament to the beauty of this area. Races like the Trans Cape make use of these trails. Come out to ride some amazing new single track in beautiful scenery.
70 fence and river bridges
0% tar
100% single/jeep/cattletrack
120km over four routes
New cross country track
All trails start at the Grootvadersbosch Conservancy office, where permits are available. Or event better - get an annual permit. If you get to the Conservancy Office and there is no-one you can give Aileen Anderson a call or pay via SnapScan.
Blogger Note: If you like words like Wines2Whales and Tankwa Trek, you will enjoy this. Photos can not explain the great work that has been done here. The views and single track are amazing, but these trails are not for beginners. Expect speeds of 10-15km/hour. Epic Training = Black Route.
Manager: Aileen Anderson
Tel: +27 (0)79 335 0269
Google Maps:
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